your urban companion

Shared mobility. Item rental. Events & Hotspots. Experience the city like never before!

your urban companion

Shared mobility. Item rental. Events & Hotspots. Experience the city like never before!

your urban companion

Shared mobility. Item rental. Events & Hotspots. Experience the city like never before!

bondi app homepage
bondi app homepage
bondi app homepage








98% match


98% match

Find shared mobility

Find shared mobility

Find shared mobility

See local events

See local events

See local events

Trusted by our partners

unlock the city

unlock the city

unlock the city

One app to locate shared mobility, rent items, explore events and discover hotspots.

One app to locate shared mobility, rent items, explore events and discover hotspots.

One app to locate shared mobility, rent items, explore events and discover hotspots.






season 1: explore

Are you ready to elevate your city experience? Transform the way you move, connect, and explore your urban surroundings.

Shared mobility

Local events & hotspots

Item rental

Shared mobility

Local events & hotspots

Item rental

Shared mobility

Local events & hotspots

Item rental

more coming soon

more coming soon

more coming soon

Delivery, dating, tickets, and more extra services coming to our app!

Suggest new features or share feedback with us!

Delivery, dating, tickets, and more extra services coming to our app!

Suggest new features or share feedback with us!

Delivery, dating, tickets, and more extra services coming to our app!

Suggest new features or share feedback with us!

Send feedback

frequently asked questions

How do I create an account?

How do I create an account?

How can I find shared mobility options using the app?

How can I find shared mobility options using the app?

How do I find cool hotspots in a city?

How do I find cool hotspots in a city?

Can I use the app to plan events?

Can I use the app to plan events?

What if I have an issue with a shared vehicle?

What if I have an issue with a shared vehicle?

Does the app charge extra costs?

Does the app charge extra costs?

When will next features appear?

When will next features appear?

start your adventure now!

start your adventure now!

start your adventure now!

Bonding You with Real Places & Real People

Bonding You with Real Places & Real People

Bonding You with Real Places & Real People
